Really cool concept. The game freezes during the second level and the sound only plays on the left headphone, but I know this is still in development.
Really cool concept. The game freezes during the second level and the sound only plays on the left headphone, but I know this is still in development.
Thanks, I will fix the audio issue. Can you please tell me where it freezed?
I've seen more explosions in this game than I have in a Michael Bay film.
I love this fucking website. A merry Tankmas to all and a happy holidays!
I wish-listed Dead Estate on Steam after playing this wonderful masterpiece.
Do you think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he's created?
It's like I'm back in high school
Thank you for encapsulating my nightmares into a single game
it's ok. Some music and sound fx would be a lot better. also my hp keeps going down even though I dodged the enemies.
it was ok
pfp by anislug
Age 28, El Duderino
Software Developer
Pizzatown, PA
Joined on 12/7/19